Руководство пользователя для Hyundai Q120 :: Страница 34 из 76

Инструкция для Hyundai Q120

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to possible impact of cellular network to people health. However
communication standards and recommendations for usage of mobile
phones were revised taking into account results of modern researches
in the field of radio-frequency technology including GSM technology
that provides non-hazardous usage of these devices. This mobile
phone meets all relative standards and requirements of  Directive on
usage of radio-equipment and dead-end telecommunication terminals


. Radio waves can impact operation of improperly

protected or high sensitive of electronic equipment. This impact can
lead to equipment operation faults.

When you need to switch your phone off


Before boarding on plane or registration of luggage.


In hospitals, clinics and other public health institutions and
in other places where the phone can be in immediate
vicinity to medical equipment.


If you use pace makers or cardio stimulators or intend to
use the phone in immediate vicinity of people using these
medical devices take the following precautions.

Consult with a doctor in charge and manufacturer
of used medical devices of possible impact of
mobile phone on these devices.

Keep the phone at safety distance from the case
and electrodes of the pace maker (as a rule safety
distance is about 20 cm but specify these data
consulting with a doctor in charge or device

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Инструкции для мобильные телефоны Hyundai