Инструкция для Hyundai Q120 :: Страница 38 из 76

Инструкция для Hyundai Q120

Инструкция в формате - PDF
Количество страниц - 76 страниц
Размер - 1.5 МБ
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network coverage. Try to move the
phone to another place or connect with
the operator to get information of the
network parameters.

Results of any key
pressing are not
displayed on the screen
(or displayed with

The rate of information representation on
the screen dramatically decreases at low
temperatures. Such a situation is
acceptable and does not impact on the
phone operation. Try to use the phone at
normal temperature. If the rate of
information representation does not
normalize consult the phone seller.

The phone can not be
switched to the standby

Press key

 and hold it pressed or

disconnect the phone. Make sure that the
battery and SIM-card are inserted
correctly and switch the phone on.

The numbers of calling
subscribers are not

Possibility to use this function is subject
to the network parameters and used
services pocket. If the number of a
calling subscriber is not transmitted by
the network when a call is received the
message «Call 1» is displayed on the
screen. For detailed information consult
the operator.

The text messages are
not transmitted

Some networks do not allow
transmission of messages of other
network subscribers. For detailed
information consult the operator.

While charging points
are not displayed on

The battery charging shall be carried out
in the rooms at air temperature from 0


Оглавление инструкции

Инструкции для мобильные телефоны Hyundai