Инструкция по эксплуатации для Hyundai H-MW1420 :: Страница 8 из 24

Инструкция для Hyundai H-MW1420

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Caution: If food is removed before time out, make sure the timer is set back to “0” position so as to avoid unintentional running without load. 


: It is recommended to wear gloves when removing the cooked food from oven and be careful do not touch the heat element on the top of cavity. 


In the mode of Combination/Grill, all of the oven parts, as well as the oven door and top of the oven, may become very hot, do not touch hot 

surface, use handles or knobs only.

Defrost function

Defrost the frozen food is one of utilities of microwave oven, it is more acceptable with a reduced risk of deleterious bacteria than normal defrost.

1.  Turn the power control regulator to position «PasMopos.»

2.  Set the timer, which is dependent upon the frozen food. It usually required longer time than ordinary cooking. Turn the food at least one time to check the 

doneness. If the defrosted food can be cut by knife, defrosting period can be terminated. Maximal defrost time can be 30 minutes

3.  A bell ring will be heard after time out. And the oven is de-energized and lamp will be off. Caution: If food is removed before time out, make sure the 

timer is set back to “0” position so as to avoid unintentional running without load.


: The thickness of microwave can penetrate through food from single side is not more than 4cm, if defrosting thick and chunky food, for obtaining the 

best result, turn over the food constantly. Remove out the defrosted portion or thin parts to prevent further cooking 


Oven stops operating when the door is opened.

Defrost guide

Steak chops

- shield thin end of chops or steaks with foil.
- position the food with thinner parts in the center in a single layer on a shallow dish. If pieces are stuck together, try to separate as soon as possible.
- turn over the food in the middle course. Then rearrange and shield the defrosted portions.
- Close the door to continue defrosting.
- After defrost time, stand covered with aluminum foil for 5-15 minutes.

Minced Beef

- Place frozen minced beef on a shallow dish. Shield edges.
- turn over the food in the middle course. Remove defrosted portions, turn over and shield edges with foil strips.
- Close the door to continue defrosting.
- After defrost time, stand covered with aluminum foil for 5-15 minutes.

Roast Meat (Beef/pork/lamb)

- Shield the edges with foil strips.
- Place joint with lean side face upwards (if possible) on a shallow dish.
- turn over the food in the middle course. And then shield the defrosted portions.
- Close the door to continue defrosting.
- After defrost time, stand covered with aluminum foil for 10-30 minutes.



Инструкции для микроволновые печи Hyundai