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Инструкция для Hyundai H-MW1021

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If materials inside the oven should ignite, keep oven door closed, turn oven off at the wall switch or shut off power at the fuse of circuit breaker


Always have the glass tray, roller arms, coupling and roller track in place when operating the oven.


Do not use the oven for any reason other than food cooking. Never use it for drying clothes, paper or any other nonfood items or for sterilizing purposes.


Do not operate the oven when empty. Do not keep any foreign object inside.


Do not use the oven for home canning. Microwave ovens are not designed to permit proper canning.


Do not cook eggs in the shell, as they will burst. Puncture eggs before cooking to prevent  explosion , occasionally a poached egg may burst during

cooking. Be sure to cook covered and let stand one minute after cooking before removing the cover.


Do not cook any food surrounded by a membrane, such as potatoes, chicken livers, etc without first piercing several times with a fork.


Do not cook foods directly on the glass tray. Place food in/on proper cooking utensil before placing in the oven.


Cookware not to use in your microwave oven:


Do not use metal pans or dishes with metal handles.


Do not use anything with metal trim.


Do not use paper covered with twist   ties on plastic bags.


Do not use melamine dishes as they contain a material, which will absorb microwave energy. This way cause the dishes to crack or char and will
slow down the cooking speed.


Do not use burnable container such as paper, wooden, bamboo willow container.


The glaze is not suitable for microwave use.


Do not cook in a container with a restricted opening, such as a soft drink bottle or salad oil bottle, as they may explode if heating in a microwave


Do not use conventional meat or candy thermometers. These are thermometers available specifically for microwave cooking. These may be used.


Microwave utensils should be used only in accordance with manufacturer s instructions.


Please remember that a microwave oven heats the liquid in the container quicker that the container itself. Therefore, though the lid of a container is not

hot to touch when removed from the oven please remember that the food/liquid inside will be hot.


Always test the temperature of cooked food yourself especially if you are heating or cooking food/liquid for babies. It is advisable never to consume

food/liquid straight from the oven, but allow it to stand for a few minutes and stir food/liquid to distribute heat evenly.


Food containing a mixture of fat or water, e.g. should stand for 30-60 seconds in the oven after it has been turned off. This is to allow the mixture to

settle and to prevent bubbling when a spoon is placed in the food/liquid or a stock cube is added.


Always follow the cooking instructions, when preparing/cooking food/liquid and remember that there are certain food, e.g. Christmas puddings, jam and

mincemeat, which heat up very quickly.


The contents of feeding bottles and baby food jars are to be stirred and shaken and the temperature is to be checked before consumption, in order to avoid




If the door or door seals are damaged, the oven must not be operated, until, it is repaired by a trained person.


It is hazardous for anyone other than a trained person to carry out any service or repair operation. Repair the unit only by qualified specialists.

Оглавление инструкции

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    H-MW1021 MICROWAVE OVEN Instruction manual

  • Страница 2 из 25

    Description 1. Door safety lock system 2. Oven window 3. Shaft of roller ring and bottom 4. Roller ring 5. Glass tray 6. Control panel 7. Multifunction knob Important safeguards WARNING: To reduce the risk of burns, electric shock, fire, injury to persons: · Read all instructions before using

  • Страница 3 из 25

    - If materials inside the oven should ignite, keep oven door closed, turn oven off at the wall switch or shut off power at the fuse of circuit breaker panel. · Always have the glass tray, roller arms, coupling and roller track in place when operating the oven. · Do not use the oven for any reason

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    Before you call for service · If there is no light in the cavity: - the bulb blown out; - the door of the oven is not closed. · If the oven fails to operate: - check to ensure that the control panel is programmed correctly and the timer is set. - check to ensure that the door is securely closed

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    How to choose your microwave cookware Applicable SORTS INSTRUCTIONS SORTS INSTRUCTIONS Heat-proof glassware It most suitable for microwave Heat-resistant plastic container cooking. Earthenware or chinaware Conventional utensils of these Film for freshment preservation and Only suitable for packing

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    How to identify if certain cookware is suitable for microwave cooking purpose? · · Put the intended cookware together with a glass of water (300 ml) inside the oven cavity, and then set the oven at the "HIGH" stage for one minute. Allocable microwave cookware will be as cool as ever, while the

  • Страница 7 из 25

    Setting to microwave power · Select power grade by pressing the · button and by rotating multifunctional knob, then press to confirm selected power and select the cooking time by rotating the multifunctional knob. Example: If you want to use 80% microwave cooking food for 20 minutes, you can

  • Страница 8 из 25

    Program set in advance Input the cooking program. Three stage power levels can be set at the most. Defrost should always be set as first stage. · Example: If you want to use 20 minutes of 100% microwave power + 5 minutes of 80% microwave power + 5 minutes of 10% microwave power to cooking food: -

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    Chart 2 Display A-1 A-2 A-3 A-4 · · · · Cook Auto Reheat Vegetable Fish Meat Display A-5 A-6 A-7 A-8 Cook Porridge Potato Pizza Soup Press the button Turn the multifunction knob to select the weight of food Press button to start. Example: to cook fish for 250 g. - Press the button - Turn the

  • Страница 10 из 25

    Combi · · · This mode is preferable for cooking fish or potatoes. In the process of cooking turn over the food to make a better effect. Example: you need to set Combi for 15 minutes: · Press " ", the display will show "P100". · Choose one of Combi modes by rotating the multifunctional knob. · · ·

  • Страница 11 из 25

    Child lock function · For example, set the CHILD-SAFETY LOCK and release the lock: - In waiting state press « » for 5 seconds, there will be a long beep and display will be - In locked state press « » for 5 seconds, disappears and oven returns to normal status. Inquiring Information · · If you

  • Страница 12 из 25

    Power cord · Be sure oven is unplugged. Wipe cord with a damp sudsy cloth, rinse and dry thoroughly before plugging cord back into outlet. Interior surfaces · Wash with hot sudsy water, rinse and dry. Do not use excessive amounts of water when cleaning the oven. · Never use abrasive cleaner on any

  • Страница 13 из 25

    1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. , : · · · · · · : . . ( , .), . . . , . · : - , , - , , . .

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    - , , , .). · · . . . , . · , , · · , , , , . . , , , . : · , : , . , . : , . , : . . : . . , · . , , , , . , , . , · . , · . , ) , ( , , , . · · · , . , , . . . : . . · , . · : 14

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    - , , ; . · : - , , ; . · , . . , · · - ; ; . · · , . , - : ; ; . · · · · · , , . , , . . . 10 8 · · . : . . . 15

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    , . . . , , , .) ( ( . , . .) . . . . , , . . . 16

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    , · ? ( (~ 300 · ) 1 ), . , , , . · · · . . , . · · , . . · · , , . , « . » , . · · · «00:00». 24- . : « », . , « . », . , - . « : ». « » . 17 1 ,

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    · « , » « , », . · : , 20 80%. : - « », « « 100» 80 %, « 80» » , « », «20:00» , « 1. 100 100% 80 80% 50 50% 30 30% 10 10% G 0% 100% C-1 55% 45% C-2 30% 70% 18 », .

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    . 3 . . · : 20 100% + 5 80% + 5 10% , : - « « », », « 100» 100 % 20 « » 80 % « », 80 % 5 « » 10 % « », 10 % 5 « », « , » , , 100%. 1 « · · · » « ». . « ». « · · · · . » « ». . « « ». » . . 19 « », .

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    · · « », « -1» . : 2 A-1 A-2 A-3 A-4 · · · A-5 A-6 A-7 A-8 « » « ». : - 250 . » « « -3» « » 250 « ». « · · · » . 95 « . » , , , . , · · · « « » », . ( ). , . · . 1 2 . , . · · · , 12 « . : », « 100». , « », «G». . 20

  • Страница 21 из 25

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    230 , 50 900 1100 « » 2300 / 13,7 / 14,8 21 ( ) 536 415 24 330

  • Страница 25 из 25

Инструкции для микроволновые печи Hyundai