Инструкция по эксплуатации для Candy CMW 7017 MG :: Страница 15 из 16

Инструкция для Candy CMW 7017 MG

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What to Do if You are in Doubt or Have a Problem 

If you have any of the problems listed below, try the solutions given. 


The oven does not start when you press the button or turn the TIMER knob. 

  Is the door completely closed?  


The food is not cooked at all 

  Have you set the timer correctly and/or pressed the button? 

  Is the door closed? 

  Have you overloaded the electric circuit and caused a fuse to blow or a breaker to be triggered? 


The food is either overcooked or undercooked 

  Was the appropriate cooking length set for the type of food? 

  Was an appropriate power level chosen? 


Sparking and cracking occur inside the oven (arcing) 

  Have you used a dish with metal trimmings? 

  Have you left a fork or other metal utensil inside the oven? 

  Is aluminium foil too close to the inside walls? 

If the above guidelines do not enable you to solve the problem, contact your local dealer or after-sales service. 


Cleaning Your Microwave Oven 

The following parts of your microwave oven should be cleaned regularly to prevent grease and food 
particles from building up: 



Inside and outside surfaces 


Door and door seals 



ensure that the door seals are clean and the door closes properly) 


Turntable and Roller ring 



Clean the outside surfaces with a soft cloth and warm, soapy water. Rinse and dry. 


Remove any splashes or stains on the inside surfaces or on the roller ring with a soapy cloth. Rinse and dry. 


To loosen hardened food particles and remove smells, place a cup of diluted lemon juice on the turntable and heat for ten minutes at 

maximum power. 


Wash the dishwasher-safe plate whenever necessary. 

Clean the microwave oven cavity right after each use with a mild detergent solution, but let the microwave oven cool down before 
cleaning in order to avoid injury. 


spill water in the vents. 


 use any abrasive products or chemical solvents.  


Storing and Repairing Your Microwave Oven 

The oven must not be used if the door or door seals are damaged: 



Broken hinge 


Deteriorated seals 


Distorted or bent oven casing 


Only a qualified microwave service technician should perform repair. 



remove the outer casing from the oven. If the oven is faulty and needs servicing or you are in doubt about its condition: 

  Unplug it from the wall socket 

  Contact the nearest after-sales service centre 

If you wish to store your oven away temporarily, choose a dry, dust-free place. 

Dust and damp may adversely affect the working parts in the oven. 

This microwave oven is not intended for commercial use. 

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    Operation Control Panel and Features 1.To set cooking power by turning the power knob to desired level. 2.To set the time of cooking by turning the timer knob to desired time per your food cooking guide. 3.The microwave oven will automatically start cooking after Power level and time is set.

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    What to Do if You are in Doubt or Have a Problem If you have any of the problems listed below, try the solutions given. The oven does not start when you press the button or turn the TIMER knob. ● Is the door completely closed? The food is not cooked at all ● Have you set the timer correctly and/or

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    This appliance is marked according to the European directive 2002/96/EC on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE). By ensuring this product is disposed of correctly, you will help prevent potential negative consequences for the environment and human health, which could otherwise be caused

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Инструкции для микроволновые печи Candy